What is QHHT© or the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique© ?
The Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique© was created by Dolores Cannon (1931 - 2014), an American pioneer in the field of past life regression. The QHHT© process involves inducing the individual into a somnambulistic state through a procedure of guided visualization and relaxation. By piercing through the thin veil that separates this current reality from other life times, the individual will be safely regressed into the most appropriate life and explore it from the very first scene throughout the various important periods of that life. The individual will access the Unified Field of space-time or space memory, an infinite well of information and embark on an extraordinary alchemical journey of self discovery. They will understand their own soul evolutionary purpose, release dark emotions and blockages from a place of compassion, break cycles of painful attachments, find the root causes to current concerns and challenges and experience physical and emotional transformation. Can anyone see a past life ?
Most people will tap into the Field and access their past or other lives, as long as they are able to silence their analytical and conscious mind. Some of them will see past lives on Earth - while others may experience, parallel lives in the multiverse or see themselves as hovering Light Beings in the interlife and visiting other dimensions. During a QHHT session, individuals have viewed and communicated with their deceased loved ones, with intelligent non-local, non-temporal, non-physical Light Beings, some have recalled extraordinary E.T. encounters, while others have received insights to their recurrent fears, blockages by visiting the appropriate past-other lives. The past or "other" life that the individual will gain access to, is always relevant to the current life they are living. The particularity of this method is that during a typical session, we will access communication with the Higher Self, the Higher Consciousness. The purpose of the interaction with the Higher Self-Higher- Consciousness is to obtain answers and guidance in order to receive emotional and physical well-being. "The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you What is the Higher Self or the Higher Consciousness ?
We are all interconnected with all life. We are living beings of light, of vibrational resonance, existing in a holographic universe, and the term Higher Self or the Higher Consciousness is used to indicate that All-Knowing, omniscient, compassionate, loving part of us that is a holographic fragment of the Unified Field of Source Energy, known as the Universal Intelligence, the Universal Consciousness, the Tao, Atman or God. The purpose of working with the Higher Self and exploring past lives is merely to help and support the individual's soul development in their current journey. |
Anybody who is able to reach the Higher Self will be able to receive guidance and answers about their condition.
In many cases the Higher Self will explain the cause and the message behind the symptoms or challenges. Once you understand the significance of what you are going through and learn why and how you have created what you are experiencing in this current life, your Higher Self will assist you in your healing of letting go of anything that no longer serves your highest purpose for your soul's evolution. " I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness. " What is between lives exploration?
Between lives exploration is a way to go beyond past life regression. It is an extraordinary experience that will feel like coming home and will allow you to connect with the eternal, immortal part of you in the spirit world, with your Spirit Guides and view in more details the spiritual endeavours of your soul before choosing to incarnate into this current life. How can I ask my questions to my Higher Self / Higher Consciousness ? A series of questions will be prepared before the session by the individual. The Higher Self will only choose to share information and healing that will benefit the individual's soul purpose. One has also the possibility to ask questions for another living being such as a family member, a friend, an animal - thus becoming a surrogate for them. Will I feel the presence of my Higher Self / Higher Consciousness ? When the Higher Self / Consciousness communicates through the individual, an extraordinary feeling of immense love, power and a dramatic increase of energy vibration will be experienced in the room as well as in the physical body of the individual. Does one have to believe in past lives to have a positive outcome?Interestingly one does not need to believe in past lives in order to have positive results - When someone experiences a previous or another reality in a session and finds a direct correlation to current life challenges, unleashing profound transformation as a result, it simply doesn’t matter if that person considers the experience to be actual or metaphorical. How long is a QHHT© session ? In average a session lasts 3,5 - 4 hours. Contact me HERE !What clients are saying ! Read testimonials here !