What triggers your emotions?
I, for one, tend to feel like I’m ignored…What about you? We all react differently to different things, but why? And can we even change the way we perceive our world? As we can’t do much in Geneva these days, it’s actually the perfect opportunity to travel – travel within. I’ve felt an urge to dig deeper and get to know myself better, but I had no idea where to begin. A few years ago I tried a few sessions with a therapist in Geneva but it just didn’t feel right – and it didn’t help that I had to speak in French! I lay the idea to rest until a colleague told me about an amazing therapist in Geneva who was helping her figure out what she wanted in life – “It’s life-changing,” she’d said. I kept the phone number folded up in my wallet for months. Just as COVID set in and my social plans quickly faded into thin air, I decided it was a good time to call that number. I walked in to my first session with Jacqueline Topakian not quite knowing what to expect, other than the rave reviews I’d heard of her coaching and guidance. It’s now been over a year, and I can say that I truly agree – it’s been life-changing. As Jacqueline has helped me dig deeper and uncover the source of my fears and triggers, whether in this lifetime or past, I didn’t immediately notice a difference in my day-to-day life – but my very skeptical husband actually did. Full disclosure – writing this article was completely my idea, because therapy with Jacqueline has truly helped me and I know how hard it is to find a great English-speaking therapist in Geneva. She also speaks Italian and French! We ask Jacqueline to talk to us about her therapy sessions, and what you can expect if you’re curious about exploring within yourself. Can you tell us about your approach? My approach is a holistic one, embracing mind, body and consciousness. As human beings, we have forgotten that we are multi-dimensional, vibrational beings and co-creators of our own reality. Most of us are not aware of our inner resources – think of it as a cave that we have either ignored or feared to enter. Through a journey of self-exploration, you’ll finally be able to change old, deeply anchored patterns and discover treasures that you’ve been seeking your entire lives. In my sessions, I often bridge the different approaches in order to obtain permanent and concrete on a physical and profound soul level. What type of therapy do you offer in Geneva? I offer Past Life Regression and QHHT, which is the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique. Both approaches help you embark on a fascinating, life-changing journey into understanding your soul’s evolutionary purpose. What’s a typical session like? A typical session consists of conversation, exploration of other lives and memories, transformation and debrief. This kind of work is done by accessing the Unified Field of Information that holds memories from the past or from other lives. During a Past life Regression session, in a state of deep relaxation, you will be guided back through time and space to recover a past life memory that is normally hidden in your subconscious mind. The memory that you’ll access is usually chosen by your own Higher Self, that part of you that is infinite, formless, expanding Consciousness. It will be the most appropriate one for whatever issues you are facing in your current life. It can be a beautiful past life, filled with happy visions, or a past life that will trigger unresolved issues, or stagnated or repressed emotions that need to be evacuated. |
Often these emotions are inaccessible through our conscious mind and a regression session can be the only tool to clear them. Unlike other Past Life Regression techniques, this one can include past life as well as current life memories. We might explore psychodrama, body memory trauma release, inner child work, communication with the Higher Consciousness or Spirit Guides, Rebirthing, cutting energetic cords, releasing earthbound entities and/or other energetic parasites, Soul Retrieval, or energy activation.
During a QHHT session, on the other hand, you’ll likely explore not only significant past lives on Earth, but also other dimensions or parallel lives in the multiverse. For example, you might see yourself as a hovering Light Being in the interlife, communicating with deceased loved ones, or with intelligent non-local, non-temporal, non-physical energy Beings. What makes this method so unique is that during a typical session, we’ll actually communicate with your Higher Self to get guidance and assistance. What can we expect to get out of therapy with you?
You’ll be able to understand your purpose in this life and no longer feel like a victim to circumstance. You’ll very likely notice a powerful shift in your perception. This kind of work will pave the way for self-understanding, self-empowerment, and a feeling of wholeness to emerge. Once we understand the source of our blockages, we will notice that the recurrent, limiting patterns will effortlessly fade away. We will feel relief, a deep sense of well-being and completeness and start embodying our true nature as vibrational beings experiencing physical reality. We’ll learn how to be responsible for the energy we emanate. We’ll stop feeling like a victim and feel whole once again. Reconnecting with our past life experiences will also help us understand why we feel a deep connection with or perhaps a repulsion to certain places or people. We will be able to identify physical ailments, which may be remnants of past life experiences. We’ll also explore unresolved emotions which we may have carried through into this lifetime. We may gain an understanding of the core lessons learned through those lives and a better understanding of our soul purpose in this current life. How do we know if we’re ready for this? Usually we know exactly when the time is right. We will feel an urge or a unstoppable pull within us. What’s the most difficult part about the healing journey? The most difficult part about the healing journey is what can be described as the transition phase, when the caterpillar is turning into a butterfly. During this phase, we experience resistance – we go back and forth and tend to identify with our shadow parts and debilitating, familiar inner conversations. Richard Bach said, “What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly”. The journey is basically the energy of enlightenment that gets activated; it is all about making a tapestry of Becoming – Becoming the best version of yourself. |